Lectures and Seminars

Ü Projektübung: Ich sehe, was du fühlst! – Wie Computer Emotionen in Untertiteln entschlüsseln

Instructors: Anke Tardel
Shortname: 06.008.0140
Course No.: 06.008.0140
Course Type: Übung
Format: online

Requirements / organisational issues

This course is aimed at students with English as a native or foreign language but is also open to other language combinations.
Experience in natural language processing and programming is an advantage but not a prerequisite. 

In order to pass this practical course, you will have to actively contribute to course discussions, complete assignments, and collect the output in a course portfolio including a reflection of the course and the output. The main course load will take place during the project week.

Digital teaching

Yes, this course is completely online. 
It will be a mix of live-sessions during course time (synchronous) and written communication via MS Teams (asynchronous). 

Recommended reading list

Will be provided after course inscription via MS Teams.


Emotions are an important part of language and of course also play an important role in translation. This includes translations of fiction, but also of subtitles, product descriptions or political texts. Not only during the preparation of translations, but also during the subsequent quality control, it may be necessary to check whether the transmitted emotions in the ST and TT are similar or not. With the help of algorithms, it is now possible to evaluate and recognize emotions in written language with computers.

In the context of this course, you will learn how to prepare, edit and analyse texts for this task and how to report and interpret or compare these results. For this purpose, you will learn both practical aspects of language and data processing as well as theoretical aspects and familiarize yourself with relevant literature. The aim of this course is that you will be able to deal with the question of what emotions are from a cognitive, Translation Studies, media and computational linguistics perspective. You do not need any special prior knowledge for this course. The background literature for this course will be primarily in English. 

Soon after you sign up for this course, you will have access to a MS Teams team where you will find introductory material and assignments. It is mandatory to work on the materials and tasks before the project week, as they are the basis for the topics dealt with in the project week. 

The course is divided into four areas:
You will get to know the tools that are used to carry out sentiment analyses and you will get an overview of three theoretical subject areas:

  • Emotions & cognition
  • Emotions in Translation Studies
  • Emotions in audiovisual media

Please check that you have a good internet connection and let us know if this is not the case. Also check the operating system on your computer and contact us if you do not use Windows or Linux. You will have to install Python on your machine. The respective information will follwo via MS Teams as soon as you are signed up for the course.

Additional information

You will receive further information via e-mail. Most course communication will take place via MS Teams.


Date (Day of the week) Time Location
05/25/2021 (Tuesday) 09:00 - 10:30
05/25/2021 (Tuesday) 15:00 - 16:30
05/25/2021 (Tuesday) 13:00 - 14:30
05/26/2021 (Wednesday) 09:00 - 10:30
05/26/2021 (Wednesday) 15:00 - 16:30
05/26/2021 (Wednesday) 13:00 - 14:30
05/27/2021 (Thursday) 13:00 - 14:30
05/27/2021 (Thursday) 09:00 - 10:30
05/27/2021 (Thursday) 15:00 - 16:30
05/28/2021 (Friday) 09:00 - 10:30
05/29/2021 (Saturday) 09:00 - 10:30
05/29/2021 (Saturday) 13:30 - 14:30
05/29/2021 (Saturday) 11:00 - 12:30