Paper submission

As announced, we plan to publish selected submissions from the conference. We therefore invite you to submit either a long or a short paper based on your presentation before the conference. These submissions will be reviewed publicly by all conference attendees before the conference and also in a blind review process after the conference. The submissions will be published by Language Science Press.


  • Short papers should not exceed 3000 words (excluding references).
  • Long papers should not exceed 8000 words (excluding references).


Please write your paper on Overleaf


If you are not familiar with Overleaf, please use this converter to convert your MS Word or Libre Office files into LaTeX, but note that conversion errors may occur and that revision might be necessary.

You can find the templates here.


The deadline for submission for both short and long papers is 31st October 2019. Please submit the pdf generated by Overleaf and name the file in the following way:


  • Short/Long_surnameFirstAuthor_surnameSecondAuthor/etal_shortTitleofYourPaper.pdf


Please submit your paper here.